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South Florida Security Cameras
My Store is Your Store


   Every business needs advertising. If its a product or service your introducing to the public, you will need a method or avenue to get  your message across. Here at My Stores Your Store, our marketing department offers many avenues for message placement and custom advertising at several of our strategical South Florida locations.  This is a new service were offering fellow businesses looking to grow.  It is a fact that over 1 billion dollars is spent annually on advertising, from the biggest corporations (Bank of America, Mc Donalds, Coco Cola) to the neighborhood mom and pop stores.

    Our advertising locations currently include a variety of busy businesses in  the community. Cell phone repair shops, Clothing stores, Restaurants, Dog Spas, Pawn Shops, Tax offices, Mechanic garages, Barber shops, Coffee shops, Corner store monitors, Medical repair shops, Tattoo shops and more to come... At each location our monitors display our programmed advertisements clearly in 1080p resolution on a 7 inch or 10 inch monitor for customers to observe while waiting for service near the register or waiting room. 

    Imagine having your business name, address, logo, web-site and more on display continuously throughout South Florida for perspective clients to see. Who knows what may come of this...... 25 locations and growing daily, this is the best time to get started with us before the window closes. Get viewed by over 500-1500 eyes daily and generate new business today. Normally a service like this would cost thousands of dollars but not today, since this is the beginning phase, as of 7-4-2016 the cost for us to create an advertisement for your company and display it on our monitors at our current 25 locations simultaneously is only $24.99 per month with no contract, pay as you go. That is $10 a week, $2 a day, which is a cup of coffee and not to mention you can write off this advertising expense at the end of the year as well. You will be able to physically go to each location at your own time and see your advertisements on display for the world to see and make adjustment as needed.

If this service interest you, feel free to contact via email our Marketing Director.


Executive Marketing Director